Missed regular registration? We know it's tough, but there's still a chance! Sign up for our Summer 2025 Season waitlist. This places you on our mailing list where you will be notified by email when openings in the league become available. Notice of openings will be sent anytime between 2 to 24hrs before the sign up re-opens on our registration portal. Any potential openings will need to be filled by the 3rd week (23rd of Feb). If we haven't reached out by this date, then we will use your email for advance notice of future seasons' registration windows.
Alternatively, if you would like to dive in and give Referee'ing a go, make sure to add this as a product upon check-out.
Please note notice will not be given in order of waitlist sign-up to better operationally and fairly manage the process.
Please monitor your email and be ready at the time noted to secure any position available.